
 In theory, I think I started learning English since I had the curiosity to start listening to music on my own. At school I had English since first grade but I was never good, in fact I had very bad grades (lol). I remember that I always really liked listening to music and in fourth grade I asked my mother to buy me an mp4 where I placed endless folders with songs mainly in English, so I was curious to know and understand what the lyrics said by looking for them translated. To Spanish. I think it was where I actually began to become familiar with English, not necessarily.

What is easiest for me is to listen and understand what they are telling me in English, especially under pressure. But what is most difficult for me is speaking in English, it gives me a kind of mental block and I don't know how to express everything fluently.

Although I practice very little, I still look for the translations and lyrics of my favorite songs so I can learn them in English. In fact, the funniest thing is that when I'm alone singing I try to practice the pronunciation by singing.

In English class I really like blogging since I can talk more about the things I like and in class I really like it when we talk about any topic but in English since the atmosphere is very calm and without pressure.

I think that English is important especially because to learn new things knowing English you can investigate much more. It also allows you to expand your job opportunities. Although I also think it is entertaining to know other languages ​​like Italian or French.


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